

With it being over a year now since I was assaulted (assaulted somehow softens the blow, rather then saying raped.) I find myself moving on.

It has been a road that I never thought I would face. Yet I did, and the number of other victims is enormous.

The day I was assaulted it was like a light switched off, and my whole world darkened, literally and figuratively.

My eyes darkened, and I was dying inside. I couldn't stop crying, I was suffering from PTSD, I was having crazy, very dark dreams. I lost a piece of myself that day. I literally felt a piece of me leave. I can't explain it, only someone who has been traumatized in that way can even begin to grasp the totality of what I'm saying.

It made it worse that I knew this person, and they posed as a friend.
So I had that betrayal to deal with as well.

No human being should have to suffer in that way.
I can not even begin to fathom what a child goes through after being sexually assaulted (raped.)
Because I barely was able to deal with it as an adult.